Once again, compiling data from http://www.csnbayarea.com/pages/schedule_giants and the sfgiants.com site, I've created a calendar of just the HD broadcasts of San Francisco Giants games for 2010.

You can download the ZIP containing a CSV file and ICS (iCal) file here

I've already noticed however that finding these games on DirecTV can be a challenge. Games listed on the Comcast site as being in HD on CSN-BA are not always on DirecTV in HD (or if they are, it can be really hard to find them).


  1. Anonymous said...

    Opening day in SF was not in HD (Channel 696-1) On DirecTV. What gives? They advertise all games in HD for CSN, but the CSNHD channel only broadcasts at certian times.  

  2. Mr Blog Too said...

    Yep. It sucks. DirecTV told me:

    "This hasn't been finalized yet but we expect CSN Bay Area to be 24/7 HD around the end of the month."

    And also: http://twitter.com/DIRECTV/status/11782626775

    CSN will show all the Giants games in HD (and A's -- all but one), so I just figured DirecTV would show them. What a HUGE disappointment. Maybe they can work this out before mid-season...

    So let em know how you feel and at a minimum ask for a monthly credit of $20.00 or more (some people did this during the Versus dispute and earned a monthly credit for six months). If it costs them money they will react!